Watkins Glen school board 02/02/09Meeting: The Watkins Glen school board met Monday, Feb. 2 for one hour and 20 minutes. Attendance: All board members were present. There were 10 members of the public in the audience. Action: The annual trip the Seneca Youth basketball players take to watch a game at Keuka College was approved. They wanted use of three buses for the Saturday morning event. Discussion without action: Maggie Edgley and four of her students showed videos they made in their video production class. Videos from the class will be shown at the Youth and Media Arts Show in Ithaca. She said the last five years they have been awarded recognitions. • Jessica Lawrence, internal auditor, gave a report. She talked about the results and her recommendations for payroll, ordering supplies and governance. For governance she did more research for an audit. Governance includes informing students and staff of the expected behaviors, through having a code of ethics and performance evaluations. She said some performance evaluations were not all filed where they should be for staff. As part of her audit four people who should not have had as much access to accounting software will have a lower level of access or no access. Lawrence added that none of the four had been where they should not or did not even access the software. • The board also heard an update on the Catharine Valley Trail from Mike DeNardo. He said work will start on the school’s portion of the trail when weather improves. The trail will be closed off from vehicles driving on it and benches, a kiosk and bike rack will be be installed. The back school parking lot will be an approved lot to park in for people wishing to access to the trail. DeNardo said that the school would be responsible for maintaining the part of the trail on the school’s property. Upcoming meetings: The next regular board meeting will be March 2, beginning at approximately 6:30 p.m. following an executive session. |
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